Soil & Sediment Sampling
EST is routinely contracted to collect soil samples from a variety of public and private sites throughout the region. EST’s sampling services include everything from superficial samples (0-6 inches) to continuous samples collected via Geoprobe™ or conventional drilling methods. We will prepare a sampling plan, set up a sampling grid, perform head-space screening and collect samples in accordance with approved methods.
EST also has equipment and trained personnel to collect representative samples from rivers, streams, ponds, and lagoons. While sampling plans may allow for the collection of surface water and sediment samples from a stream bank or other accessible locations, EST can also safely access remote areas by utilizing gas and electric powered pontoon boats, Zodiac boats, and other vessels when required. Our extensive inventory of sampling equipment used to collect representative sediments or water samples also includes dredge samplers, coring devices, and environmental sampling pumps.
Contact us today to request a quotation or learn more about EST’s soil & sediment sampling capabilities